2025 Activities

Bingo every Saturday starting Memorial Day to weekend after Labor Day at 10:00AM in the Pavilion.

Horse Shoes start Memorial Day through Labor Day, every Saturday at 1:00PM.

Tractor rides for the kids every Saturday throughout the summer.

Music venues may change.

Like us on Facebook to see the weekly event updates.

May 2 Opening weekend.
May 9 Mother’s Day Weekend
May 16 Soup Dinner at pavilion. Bring soup to share with others. Everyone is invited.
May 23 Memorial Day Weekend
Pool opens for the season at 10:00 AMM. Bingo at 10:00 AM. Face painting at 1:00 PM. Music by Four Play from 6:00 to 9:00 PM. Decorate your site for the weekend for our Best Decorated Site competition.
May 24 Donuts for sale at the pavilion at 8:00 AM to benefit Eastern Star.
May 30 Ham Dinner Saturday at 5:00 PM. Pot luck, where we supply the ham. Bingo at 10:00 AM on Saturday in the pavilion.
June 6 Bread Dough at the pavilion. Saturday Bingo at 10:00 AM.
June 13 Parents’ Day Weekend
Saturday Bingo at 10:00 AM. Music by Lewis Creek from 6:00 to 9:00 PM. Sunday breakfast at 8:00 AM.
June 20 Saturday Bingo at 10:00 AM. Baked Beans Potluck, with hot dogs provided, at 4:00 PM.
Live Band - Club Soda from 6:00 to 9:00 PM.
June 27 Saturday Bingo at 10:00 AM. Paint and Sip on Saturday at 1:00 PM. $30.00 per person. Please sign up, maximum 50 persons.
Music by Contagious from 6:00 to 9:00 PM.
July 4 Happy Fourth of July!
Saturday Bingo at 10:00 AM. Saturday Candy Bar Bingo at 1:00 PM. Face Painting at 2:00 PM. Ice Cream Social at 4:00 PM. DJ Emile Gosselin from 6:00 to 9:00 PM.
July 11 Christmas in July Weekend
Saturday Bingo at 10:00 AM. Vermont Fiddler Association at the pavilion. Feel free to listen to the music from 1:00 to 4:00 PM.
Music by Cold Front (Exit 23) from 6:00 to 9:00 PM.
July 18 Saturday Bingo at 10:00 AM. Paint and Sip on Saturday at 1:00 PM. $30.00 per person. Please sign up, maximum 50 persons.
Music by Contagious from 6:00 to 9:00 PM.
July 25 Friday night music by Rusted Bones. Saturday Bingo at 10:00 AM. Lobster Feast on Saturday. $30.00 per person for lobster and steamers cooked at the pavilion. Please sign up 1 week in advance so we can order the lobsters and steamers.
August 1 Music by Club Soda from 7:00 to 10:00 PM on Friday. Saturday Bingo at 10:00 AM. Sausage with peppers and onions at 1:00 PM.
August 8 Luau Weekend
Friday Night Music by The Hitmen from 7:00 to 10:00 PM. Pig Roast at the pavilion. Everyone is invited. Please sign up for seatings at 4:30 and 5:30 PM. Bring a dish to share with others.
August 15 Halloween Weekend
Prize awarded for best decorated site. Saturday Bingo at 10:00 AM.
Music by Four Play from 6:00 to 9:00 PM.
August 22 Saturday Bingo at 10:00 AM. Chili Cook Off / Pot Luck at 4:00 PM, with chili dogs.
Music by Rusted Bones from 6:00 to 9:00 PM.
August 23 Donuts for sale at the pavilion at 8:00 AM to benefit Eastern Star.
August 29 Saturday Bingo at 10:00 AM. Bread Dough at 1:00 PM.
Music by Yvonne and the Reverbs from 6:00 to 9:00 PM.
September 5 Labor Day Final Saturday Bingo at 10:00 AM. You must be at the pavilion at 10:00 AM sharp in order to play.
September 19 Green Mountain Smoke and Grill Competition
Feel free to walk around to visit with the competitors and ask questions.
October 5 Closing Weeend

Here are some links to find events happening throughout the state: