Site Map

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Trail Map

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Abel Mountain Campground Rules
1. Safety is the top priority of Abel Mountain. All campers must follow the rules and regulations as well as use common sense. Any situation not directly covered by the rules but deemed unsafe by a staff member will be addressed. Decisions of any staff member are final pertaining to noise, campfires and other infringements of the campground rules or unsafe acts/conditions. Disrespect of authority, property or other campers is grounds for camper removal. Abel Mountain Campground reserves the right to amend rules at any time. Your cooperation with the changes below is appreciated.
2. The speed limit in the campground is
5 MPH for all vehicles.
This is a must as children, bicyclists and other
pedestrians share the roadway with vehicular
traffic. Safety bumps have been installed to slow
vehicles. Please do not avoid them by driving on the
3. We will be asking everyone to complete check in documents and payment of remaining balances prior to arrival. The registration form will be emailed to you, the invoice will be from Hyfin. If you do not see these two documents in your inbox about a week prior to arrival please check the spam folder. We would also be happy to resend them to you if you call us. If you did not or could not complete both tasks, please stop by the office before heading to your site. Once the items have been completed you will receive all the paperwork you need for your stay.
4. No smoking in any of the park buildings, the pavilion, the pool or the playgrounds. Please dispose of your cigarette butts in receptacles located around the park. Help keep our park clean by using the receptacles instead of dropping the butts on the ground.
5. Any camper that is expecting guests should let the office know prior to their arrival. ALL GUESTS
MUST REGISTER WITH THE OFFICE. No more than 4 guests per day per campsite, please. Adult guests will be required to pay the $7.00 per day guest fee. Failure to register guests could result in you being asked to leave. Please advise day guests that they cannot bring dogs with them – only dogs listed on the original registration form and with required paperwork are allowed on site.
6. Check in time is 1:00 PM or later, check out time 11:00 AM at the latest. Please notify the office if your arrival time is outside normal business hours. Please check with the office if you wish to remain on your site after normal check out time. Early arrivals and late departures will be charged $20.00.
7. Each campsite is allowed a
maximum of six people overnight. The site
fee allows for two adults and up to 4 children under
18. Additional adults will be charged $10.00 per night if staying overnight, with a maximum of 4 adults per site. One additional tent is allowed
per site at $10.00 per night plus overnight guest fees,
where applicable.
8. Each campsite is allowed a maximum of two vehicles. Extra vehicles may park on the storage lot on the hill. Parking should be within your campsite’s boundaries (utility pedestal to utility pedestal) and off the roadway. Transient campers bringing utility trailers should check with the office prior to arrival.
9. Washing vehicles and campers at the campground is prohibited.
10. Quiet pets on leashes are welcome. Pets may not be left unattended at the campsite. Picking up your dog’s waste immediately is mandatory. There are four pet waste stations located throughout the park (see map for locations). Pets are not permitted in the pool area, playgrounds or in any of the bath houses. Noisy pets, failure to keep your pet on a leash or failure to pick up after your pet could result in a request to remove your pet from the premises. Aggressive pets will not be tolerated and will be required to leave the premises. All pet owners should have, in their possession,
a current copy of their pet’s rabies certificate and provide a scanned copy prior to arrival.
Effective immediately: There is a $50.00 bounty on anyone that does not pick up after their dog. If you see a person walk away without picking up after the dog, snap a photo and bring it to the office. Show us the location of the pile and YOU will receive the $50.00 when we find the offending party. The offending party will not only pay the $50.00 but will also clean up the pile. Also effective immediately, if we find dog piles on your site after you leave you will be invoiced $50.00. Be sure to police your site before you leave!
11. Campsite boundaries are utility pedestal to utility pedestal. Please respect other campers’ sites and refrain from crossing others’ campsites unless permission has been granted. Please stay on roads and designated paths throughout the grounds.
12. Please keep your campsite clean during your stay and leave the campsite in same condition you found it in when you arrived.
13. Please be responsible when
having a campfire and keep campfire contained to a
fire ring only. Campfires should be extinguished
before retiring for the night and should never be
left unattended. Fire rings are not to be used for
garbage cans – only newspaper, kindling and firewood
should be burned in the fire ring. Please do not
move the fire rings, we do not want multiple burnt
spots on the sites.
14. Per Vermont law, firewood must be purchased in-state unless it is heat treated and a certificate verifying such is provided. To protect our trees and surrounding woods, please do not transport untreated firewood from out of state. Bringing Ash wood into the campground is prohibited, even if it was harvested in Vermont. There are too many locations in the state that are infested with the Emerald Ash Borer, and we want to protect our woodlands for as long as we can.
15. There are three trash dumpsters, one recycling dumpster, and three compost stations in the park for waste and recycling generated at the park. The trash dumpsters are noted on the park site map; the recycling dumpster is located across from the office and will be open between 9:00 AM and noon. Recycling is required in Vermont; please check with the office if you are unsure what is recyclable. Do not dispose of large items (including, but not limited to TVs, air conditioners, refrigerators, electronics, furniture, rugs, mattresses, etc.) in the dumpsters. These items should be taken home or disposed of at the Randolph Transfer Station at the camper’s expense. Compost stations are for vegetable and fruit food waste only, no meat or dairy products,
16. Children must be supervised by an
adult while playing on the playground equipment.
17. Bike helmets are required for
children under 18. Because they are difficult to be
seen, low profile pedal bikes or pedal cars will be
required to have a safety flag not shorter than 5'
tall attached to it, or have an adult walking
alongside as the child rides them.
Riding bikes after dusk is
prohibited. Please make sure all bikes are
back at your site prior to ½ hour before sunset.
18. ATVs, UTVs, or other motorized off-road vehicles are not allowed to be driven in the park or on the hiking trails. Seasonal and long-term campers that bring golf carts must abide by the Golf Cart Regulations provided with their camping contracts.
19. Hiking trails are for day hikes
only (no overnight camping). No one under 18 is
permitted on the trails without a parent or
guardian. See hiking trail map on the back of the
site map for further rules.
20. Quiet time in the campground is
10:00 PM to 7:00 AM. During this time voices, activity and other noises must be kept to a minimum. Please be aware that normal speaking voices can carry. Outside radios and TVs should be turned off. However, Abel Mountain reserves the right to briefly extend quiet time as it may pertain to entertainment provided by the campground for all its guests.
We also reserve the right to ask anyone who is
excessively noisy to quiet down at any time, day or
21. This is a family friendly park. Campers’ activities shall not interfere with other Campers’ use and quiet enjoyment of their site. Disturbing others, disorderly conduct, fighting or obscene language may result in eviction.
22. At Abel Mountain we strive to make the best camping experience possible for all. We have chosen to designate our park a drug free area. The use of any recreational drugs, legal or otherwise, will result in an early departure for the offenders. Thank you in advance for complying with this designation.
23. Charging of electric vehicles is prohibited at campsites unless you are paying for metered electric and are
charging the vehicle on your site.
24. Only RV fast dissolving toilet
tissue is to be flushed into the septic system. No
baby or personal wipes (even if they say septic
system safe) and no feminine hygiene products are to
be placed in toilets or RV holding tanks. Anyone
using banned items and causing a system back up will
be charged for repair costs.
25. We will
not be accepting personal package deliveries.
Registered campers are
responsible for making sure rules are followed on
their site and will be held accountable. Failure to
adhere to rules on your site will be grounds for
removal from the campground.
27. We will follow local and state
requirements/regulations that may change at any
Pool Rules:
• There is no lifeguard on duty, swim at your own risk. Children under 16 must be supervised by an
adult. PLEASE be watchful of your children at all times.
• No diving or jumping into the pool – serious injury could result. Also, no water guns, running or rough
play in the pool area. Anyone doing so will be asked to leave the pool area.
• Please, no food, alcoholic beverages or smoking in the pool area. Also, no pets are allowed in the pool
• No glass and no sharp objects allowed in the pool area. No large floatation devices in the pool area.
• Children under three and all others not toilet trained are required to wear swim diapers or snug fitting
plastic pants.
• The pool will be closed when the temperatures are not expected to exceed 65 degrees Fahrenheit
during the regular season.
• The pool will be closed at the first instance of thunder and will remain closed for 30 minutes after the
last instance of thunder is heard. Please exit the pool as soon as you hear thunder!
• The pool is for the use of Abel Mountain guests only.
• Pool gates must be kept closed at all times.
• In case of emergency dial 911.
• Bring your own chair.
Click here to download our Trash and Recycling guidelines (PDF).